Patient Monitoring
For procedures requiring general anesthesia, we continuously monitor our patients to ensure their safety. Our veterinary technicians monitor a pet’s blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate, and all other vital signs to minimize anesthetic risk.
General Anesthesia
There are certain procedures where it will be required to administer a general anesthetic that will render your pet unconscious, so he or she will not feel any pain. While we understand the trepidation that many pet owners feel towards having their pet being anesthetized, we can assure you that modern anesthesia is generally quite safe. We also perform a physical examination and run blood work ahead of the procedure to identify any health risks that may pose a problem. Furthermore, we have a detailed anesthetic protocol that includes monitoring vital signs during the procedure to ensure your pet’s safety.
For our procedures requiring a general anesthetic, we begin by administering a sedative to help relax your pet and minimize any anxiety or pain. We follow that by administering an intravenous drug that provides complete anesthesia. We then place a breathing tube into the patient’s windpipe. To maintain your pet’s unconscious state, we administer a combination of oxygen and a gaseous anesthetic through the breathing tube.
Local Anesthesia
For minor surgical or diagnostic procedures, we may choose to use a local anesthetic to reduce pain. For instance, we’ll use a local anesthetic before performing a biopsy (the surgical removal of a small portion of tissue for the purpose of being examined). A local anesthetic causes your pet to lose sensation in the area where the procedure is being performed. In certain instances we may choose to use a sedative and/or an anti-anxiety medication in combination with local anesthesia to help keep your pet calm during a procedure.
For many pets, things like thunder, fireworks, and travel can be unsettling. If that’s the case with your pet, tranquilization or sedation may be an appropriate option. During sedation, your pet will either be awake or lightly sleeping, but can be roused when stimulated. We assess each animal individually before we choose sedation to minimize any potential risk.
NOTE: Not all products are available for sale in all countries. Please contact your BMV Healthcare representative or Regional Office for more information.